Friday Round Up

Weather: Hotter than Channing Tatum and Megan Fox combined. With a heat index of 105, you’ll want to avoid going outdoors at all costs.
Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Get your tennis attire on and attend the Citi Open tournament; You can never go wrong with going to a Nationals game. #Natitude; Mad Fox Brewing Co. is throwing down this weekend in Falls Church and Glover Park; Red Derby’s Tiki Party is this Sunday on their fabulous rooftop deck; Cool off from the heat at one of these awesome, free public pools in the District.
We’ve officially been kicked out of Cleveland. Philly, you’re next.
Donald Trump is now a legitimate nominee for the Presidency, so by this point I guess the joke’s on you, America; Cleveland, of all places; Betty White wasn’t the only one Hot In Cleveland, America was hot and bothered about Melania’s speech; Trump is still waiting on that endorsement from Cruz; Kim K made one Swift move; Whoa! This ain’t your typical cartoon by Freedom’s Defense Fund; The RNC had so many rules. Buzzkill; These protesters came in fine fashion.
Take cover! Mother nature is bringing on the heat; There are FREE puppies. Yes. You heard correctly…FREE PUPPIES!; Shaw is just kicking a** with all these new hotspots. Tasty Burger is their latest addition. #Merica; Bulls gone wild in Baltimore; That storm though. Holy sh*t; Congrats to Harper on hitting his 451st home run against the Dodgers. We love our Nats.
Fashionably Famous: Guide To Philly
Confessions Of A Capitol Hill Staffer: Feeling The FOMO
Reporter Tweets: RNC Edition
Republican Lookalikes
Tweets Trump All
We Are The Champions – RNC Style
Lebron VS. Donald
We caught up with some of the biggest names in Congress at the GOP Convention to talk shop on big ticket topics – Italian food, craft beer, blackberry pie – and we still had time for poorly executed puns.
Famous birthday wishes to Laura Stefanow, Fritz Brogan, Ben Brophy, Anjulen Anderson, Rob Schutz, Meagan McArthur Neal, Katy Rivaled, Rachel Kallander, Devon Richardson, Brad Becker, Don Seymour, Alaina Ingram, Joe Bohannon, Paul Joseph, Lauren Selsky, Kacey Grebe, Meghan Leach, Tyler Conroy, Carol Sullivan, Ingrid Dehler-Seter, John Levis, Rachel Hughes, Bubba Atkinson, Sim Penton, Jen Corey Baca, Rowan Bishop, Patrick Murdock, Alex Pappas, John and DeeDee Shashy, Luke Miller and Bob Jones.
“Oh god. Tuned into the Trump speech just as he said “THEY LOVE THEIR DADDY” and now I have to clean up all this vomit.”
Give Luke Hatzis a high-five for his “Cleveland 2016” tattoo; Tell Doug Thornell we’re looking forward to conquering Philadelphia with him; James Walker has a great podcast called All Things Success; Nick Seaver is awesome; Elliot Berke and Goose have an uncanny resemblance; Brooks Brunson has been awarded best dressed at the convention; Paris Denard should have given a speech at the RNC; Ken Spain is a Dodgers fan; The CNN grill was hopping this week with plenty of Famous for DC camping out; Katie Harbath got all tangled up at work yesterday morning; Soren Dayton! We just wanted to mention Soren Dayton!; Welcome to town Phil and Joyce; Tell Kevin Sheridan that we take cash, credit or checks; Emily Atkin loves noodles made out of cats; Paige Gress is a BOSS (seriously, direct all questions to her); Taz Jones is a big Nuggets fan and really at Twitter; Noelle Clemente will out wine you and then out run you, so don’t even try; Brian Walsh knows how to party; Lauren Hagen did great during her Fox News debut; Carl Forti, Mike Dubke, and Brian Jones know how to party – can’t say the same for Catsopher Meowloney; Clevelanders are the nicest and most hospitable folks around; DJ Jamiel’s fan club is getting exclusive; The Morning Consult team really loves to walk places; Michael Ramlet’s dance moves are no joke; Kathryn Lyons = SnapChat gold; Marrissa Mitrovich wins Best Dressed at #RNCinCLE; Amos Snead is good at dipping out early; You missed out if you weren’t at the Warehouse; Igor Bobic better hang on to his coat check ticket; Bubba Atkinson’s birthday party is tonight at TGI Friday’s and no this is not a joke.
With Thanks to Cleveland:
The city of Cleveland – as both a government and group of people – demonstrated unconditional kindness, hospitality, and preparedness for those in attendance at the Republican National Convention this week. FamousDC thanks local, regional and those law enforcement officials who traveled many miles to Cleveland to keep the peace and keep us all safe, especially while also better enabling attendees to freely express their opinions without fear. For showing us and everyone attending the RNC an inspiring level of kindness and geniality, we’re eternally grateful to Cleveland. Thank you!
Congrats to Tyler Cowen as he joins Bloomberg View, where he will serve as a staff columnist on the areas of economics and policy; Bryant Urstadt, previously with Bloomberg Businessweek, joins NPR’s Planet Money team as senior editor; Amanda Nguyen starts her new role as director of government affairs and legal at the International Fragrance Association of North America; Michael Levi joins the White House as Special Assistant to the President for Energy and Economic Policy on the National Economic Council staff. He was previously at the Council on Foreign Relations; Service Employees International Union welcomes Camille Rivera as its national deputy political director for campaigns; Congratulations to Michael LaRosa for five years of hard work and dedication at Hardball with Chris Matthews and MSNBC; And finally, the World Bank has named Paul Romer its new Chief Economist.
Deuces, Cleveland. Philly, you’re up next.