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When Kate Nocera worked as a congressional reporter for BuzzFeed (and before that, POLITICO), her stories were well-sourced, well-written, and all around well-done. She left BuzzFeed last year to work in public affairs at SKDKnickerbocker, then at Vox Media, but luckily for her readers, she’s back! FamousDC wants to extend our …

Working in the media really sucks. CareerCast recently ranked the worst jobs for 2016 and the industry made the list more than once – and we gotta tell ya’, they might be on to something. Early hours, late nights and days so long you can barely remember your own birthday or that it’s Christmas day …

FamousDC wants YOU to apply for some really cool internship opportunities. We must warn you though, your friends WILL get jealous. If you’re interested in any of the opportunities below, send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] Media Internship – Video Production FamousDC is seeking a qualified individual to assist in …

Congrats to Lia Seremetis on her new gig at The Raben Group. After a stint at NAMIC Lia is making the jump over to the agency side where we’re sure she’ll do good things. But don’t worry, she’ll still be running DC Bike Party and writing for us like a boss. P.S. …

1. You don’t have to sit through four-hour long committee hearings with the boss. Just get in, snap a picture and roll out. 2. There is a good chance that you will be quoted back in the district newspaper – and your mom will frame that and show all of her friends. 3. You can always get a call back from a reporter – especially if you write BREAKING in all caps in the email subject line. 4. No. Constituent. Letters.

New members, new staff – it’s that time of year when the hill sees a lot of turn over and a bunch of fresh faces crop up among the seasoned veterans. Having been in your shoes and made several of these mistakes, FamousDC thought we’d share a few choice pieces …

Congrats to Eric Wilson on the new gig as Digital Director at American Action Network. Today is Wilson’s last day Engage and we wish him all the best. P.S. We’ll also be sure to send along a few FDC stickers for the AAN office.

1. You are on the front lines. The first voice people hear when they call the office and the front person there when they walk in. 2. Because you make so much coffee, you’re eligible to opt out of the Starbucks barista test if you decide to change careers. 3. Everyone is forced to know your name or else they don’t get the good office supplies. 4. Nobody uses fax machines anymore.

Thank you for reading FamousDC. We appreciate your tips, your links and your friendship. We hope you have a relaxing and safe holiday weekend. At some point over the Thanksgiving break, you’re going to get bored of your family. It’s inevitable. When that happens, we’ve got you covered. Below are …

Nearly everyone has heard Speaker Boehner talk about the lessons he learned sweeping the floor of his father’s bar, but what influence to other political parents have on their kids? In today’s Roll Call, they break down the jobs of other political parents. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) Although the Capitol …

You’ve landed an internship on Capitol Hill and you finally figured out your way around Rayburn. Now what? FamousDC presents: The HILLstory Flowchart [view the flowchart] [download the PDF]

We are pretty pumped for the upcoming movie, “Wall Street 2, Money Never Sleeps”. Which is why this New York Times video of Shia LaBeouf discussing how he researched for the role of Jacob Moore caught our eye. Apparently, Shia spent a lot of time in 2009 hanging around [Democrat] …

Our friends at Cloture Girl have some tips for you: If you do not have a particular office that you are connected to in some way, I suggest you make an appointment with the Senate Employment Office or review the information on the House of Representatives’ Office of Human Resources’ …

Glenn Thrush: Summers brushes back Boehner It’s always about the jobs

Dear RNC, We’d like to formally endorse Phillip D. Blake for Jr. RNC Chairman.  We have no idea whether or not he’s actually qualified, but since he had the sack enough to create a Facebook Group begging for a job – we figured that was worthy of our endorsement. If …