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FamousDC Convention Hub
The RNC recently launched a convention app which lets users know more about the political process happening in Cleveland this July. It helps you better understand the rules of the convention, the role delegates play, and the representation of the RNC. In response, we thought of a better app for those attending the Cleveland event… aka… …

FamousDC’s Top 10 Favorite Things About the Nationals
The division leading Washington Nationals are on a tear and DC is rallying around the winning sports team. Over here at FamousDC, we thought it would be fun to list just a few of our favorite things about the Nats.
Read the top 10 list.

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Today will be cool but comfortable in the upper 60’s. Get ready for a rain storm right around rush hour this evening. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. Life is way too short to spend it with your eyes only half open. Whether you …

Life on the Campaign Trail: Intern
During an election year, the campaign trail receives constant coverage. That attention typically surrounds those folks campaigning for office, as it is important that we get to know the person we’re electing – everything from their fiscal policies to their hairstyles are scrutinized by the media. What is often forgotten, however, …

In Full Bloom
Of course there’s something to be said about seeing these beautiful blossoms in person, but if you’re stuck in the office, or just don’t want to fight the crowds, Mike Lurie has done you an incredible service. Here are the legendary DC Cherry Blossoms

Through the Lens of Jeremy Art
Nothing says good morning like a cherry blossom bloom at sunrise. A veteran of our Through the Lens series, Jeremy Art captures another gorgeous scene in our nation’s capital.

Life on the Campaign Trail: Field Director
During an election year, the campaign trail receives constant coverage. That attention typically surrounds those folks campaigning for office, as it is important that we get to know the person we’re electing – everything from their fiscal policies to their hairstyles are scrutinized by the media. What is often forgotten, however, …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Spring has decided to come back to DC! Enjoy temps in the high 60’s and low 70’s by this afternoon. With no chance of rain in sight, it’s bound to be a beautiful day. WEDNESDAY JAM Who’s ready for summer 2016? We are. And so is Drake. WHAT YOU NEED …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Today will be mostly cloudy but we”ll see the temperatures rise to the upper 50’s and the sun come out in the afternoon around 3pm. TUESDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. When we told you about Aussie rocker Courtney Barnett earlier this year, she was …

We’re finally as #instafamous as the dogs in our office! Well… Some of them. We’d like to share how excited we are to have 1000 followers by thanking all of you for your incredible support. Without you, we’d just be DC. Follow along with us, on our journey to bring …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Enjoy a beautifully sunny day in the district with temps in the mid 60’s. But seriously, enjoy it. It’s going to snow this weekend. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. Life Advice: If you feel like dancing, do it. If it’s Friday, dance even …

VIDEO: St. Patrick’s Day Experiment
We held a little experiment, and it went like this: Question: If we attempt to pour a Guinness into a pint glass from the second story of our office, what percent of the beer would make it in the glass? A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Mar 17, 2016 at …

The 20 Craziest Things You Can Buy From the Presidential Candidates’ Online Shops
It used to be that if you supported a particular candidate, you wore their pin. Needless to say, those days are long gone, and getting the bragging rights for the best presidential contender swag has become a competition of its own. Last year, The New York Times criticized Ted Cruz’s …

Someone’s a Little Jealous of the Metro
Everyone in DC is WELL aware that the Metro has announced it has shut down for 29 hours. Why 29 hours? We’re not really sure. In any case, hashtags including #NoMoMetro and #29hours have inundated the internet. It’s been all over the news, Twitter, Facebook, you name it. It’s the reason your …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Today’s forecast shows a high chance of angry commuters. Lots of them. WEDNESDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. We love our advice; don’t you? When we told you momentum is key to crushing your week, we weren’t kidding (and we were right). You’re already …