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29 Hours and Counting
When news broke of the DC Metro shutting down for 29 hours for a massive safety inspection sparked by Monday morning’s electrical fire, Twitter had a field day. I mean come on, this is mass transit we’re talking about – mass transit in one of the most important cities in the world. …

NCAA Pool: Test Your Luck
It all starts this Thursday night at tip off. Join us as we watch the games. But first, choose your bracket! Some let their kids do the picking; some rely on the pros; others just choose at random. Whatever your strategy for picking a March Madness bracket, give it your best …

Bring on the Madness
Take a break from watching politicos battle it out on stage, and enjoy some good old fashioned competition on the court. Join us as we watch the first round of the NCAA tournament at the stunning headquarters of the American Gaming Association with the Washington Examiner. March Madness will be in …

Morning Grind
FAMOUS FORECAST Today will be mostly overcast skies with comfortable temperatures in the mid 60’s. But who cares about the weather? It’s Friday. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. FACT: You won’t get anywhere good in life by watching everyone else work hard and have fun. …

Bringing Out the Best
Take a peek into the FamousDC offices and enjoy this time lapse of designers, Cody Simmons and Drew Ellis outfitting our chalkboard wall with some custom graphics. FamousDC – Bringing Out the Best For more of where this came from, follow us on Instagram. A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Mar …

100 Days of Trump
By now this should no longer come as a shock, Donald Trump is leading in the Republican Primary polls – okay it’s still shocking – but it is, in fact, a reality. And as the country draws closer and closer to determining who the party nominee will be, we were …

The Rat Pack is Back
There was a Sweet Sixteen in town and the guest of honor was Peter Mirijanian Public Affairs. PMPA celebrated its 16th anniversary of hard work and success the only way it knew how – with a party. The event took place last night at Teddy & The Bully Bar in Dupont Circle …

Famous Friday Round Up
#WEEKEND Weather: We hate to say it but this weekend looks dreary. Skies will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday – perfect weekend to binge on the new House of Cards season if you ask us. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Hit …

Morning Grind
It’s a beautiful day to rise and grind. FAMOUS FORECAST DC got a beautiful dusting of snow overnight reminding us that we’re not quite done with winter. Today will be mostly cloudy and chilly in the low 40’s. FRIDAY JAM Heavy bass and ethereal falsetto vocals tend to have the makings …

Generation Progress Delivers A Lesson in Civics to the Senators of the Judiciary Committee
Generation Progress descended on Capitol Hill this morning to deliver an important message to eleven Senators of the Judiciary Committee. The group of 30 – 40 young professionals thought the message would be best delivered in the form of a lesson, as apparently these Senators have forgotten how a certain aspect …

Morning Grind
It’s a beautiful day to rise and grind. FAMOUS FORECAST Remember how it was 60 degrees last weekend? Well it’s going to snow tonight. Punxsutawney Phil is confused. THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Josh Shultz of NJI Media On the heels of the Foo Fighter’s latest announcement, which was well …

Mitt Romney Has An Announcement
The nation has been buzzing since we heard that Mitt Romney will be making a “major speech” regarding the 2016 election tomorrow. Does a major speech mean he’s making a major announcement? We’ve made a few projections about what the former presidential candidate might want to tell the world. Guess …

Meet the Cast of Capitol Hill
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …

Dear Politicos, Welcome to Miami
Yes, Spring is coming to DC, but we’re inviting you to the endless summer of Miami, Florida on Tuesday March 8th. And let’s be honest… we could all use a tan. One day before the next DNC debate and two days before the RNC debate in Miami, FL, the FamousDC …

Washington Life Identifies the Young and the Talented of DC
Every year, Washington Life Magazine compiles a list of the young movers and shakers who are making names for themselves in the capital. For their eleventh annual list this year, they’ve highlighted over 300 of DC’s most talented folks under forty. Shawna Thomas, Daniel Lippman, Rebecca Berg, and Luke Russert – all …