Search Result for “Uber”

#NATIONAL If you like Cheerios, you can’t sue General Mills; #BostonStrong; there’s a hellfire twin Earth out there; How did 4/20 happen?; tax preparers flip the bird at responsible Americans as filing costs go up; “WTF??” –Scandal fans; Happy Friday; spoilers everywhere; Congrats Chelsea; God bless America; RIP Gabriel Garcia …
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Eskimos have 50 words for snow (fun fact: they also have 1,000 words for reindeer).  After our recent snowstorm, area linguists have identified 37 new ways to say “snow” if you live or work in DC. And now, the 34 DC words for snow: 1. “OMG” 2. “Work from home” 3. …
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Have you heard? Life is RUFF out there for our dogs out there in the DMV. So many of them have great homes, but what about the ones that don’t? Luckily the Washington Humane Society is here to help our furry friends who don’t have forever homes. We are looking …
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Travel More: Sure, let us fit that in around the 2014 and 2016 election cycles. The boss will be a-okay with me jetting to Belfast for the week. Pack Lunch: Ha. Get real. Hi again, Sweetgreen. Check Your Phone Less: BUT first you must out-wonk this guy who you know only …
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#NATIONAL Pope Francis celebrates his 7-7; everyone is leaving on a jet plane; The world’s best family, here; What ELSE can Uber deliver to you?!; Robin Roberts signs big at GMA; Ummm… Who lit UMD’s mascot on fire?; #DCINSIDER #ShoveIt or #LoveIt; Who went to Playbook Breakfast?; What happens in the cloakroom…; Congrats, budget deal; We spotted Bill McMorris in a bathrobe at Black …
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#NATIONAL On Sunday, we may experience #DCWEATHERPANIC; RIP Nelson Mandela; Frank Underwood, is that you?; Ummm… Uber makes a sh*t ton of money; MIZ-SEC;  We love @darth; How’d you treat your wallet on Cyber Monday?; Twitter’s CEO wants more funny women on Twitter; Laura Ingraham… Comic book character?; #THE DISTRICT DC gift guide; Jack Rose does Prohibition; InTheCapital catches on fire; Be productive at the new COVE in Dupont; Silo coming to Mt. Vernon Square; Georgetown …
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Folks felt bad about the Salvation Army robbery and are [donating] Hey guess what, come here. No, no, closer. Shh. [It’s warm outside] How to buy local for your holiday gift season [Buy DC] US Air Force Band flash mobs a museum [music] Uber Christmas trees- that’s happening [delivery] Photo …
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We asked our friends around town what about DC they were thankful for this season. Here are their answers. I’m thankful for the bartenders at the Hamilton. –Katie Harbath, Facebook I am thankful for the fact that DC has a Costco now, a really big one. Except when Joe Biden shops there, since area traffic freaks …
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By day, Councilmember David Grosso works diligently to improve the lives of the citizens of the District of Columbia. By night, he is a husband, long-time Brookland resident; dog lover, local food supporter, craft beer aficionado, and Grateful Dead fan. Find out how this former Chief Counsel and Legislative Director for Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and now At-Large D.C. Councilmember went from bartender at Colonel Brooks Tavern to big city politician.
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We all know what DC stands for, literally- but let’s talk about what it means FIGURATIVELY: Drama. City. When the tough gets going up here on the East Coast, DC area residents freak the hell out. Let’s delve into the world of WINTER TIME in DC, shall we? Mass DC …
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Party like the #PandaCam is on. WHO Guess who’s back? Steve Feldgus; Brian Diffell joined the ranks of successful SVPs; CQRC added Katy O’Donnell and Randy Leonard to their crack reporting team; tell Freddy Barnes and Jeff Ostermayer you’re sorry that Auburn will drop out of the top 25 this weekend; Uri …
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We all know that Nick Saban has won back-to-back National Championships with the mighty Crimson Tide. Alabama has won three of the last four titles (2010 does not exist). And the SEC has been winning BCS championships non-stop since before Barack Obama was a United States Senator. Lots of people …
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Red lines, Blurred lines, Drunk pick-up lines. Can we just enjoy this weekend? Officially time to say bye bye to white and hello to fall; Congrats girl, it’s a girl!; Read this right now, or die; Cheers to Jim Scuitto on the new CNN gig; FOOTBALL; Who spotted Gene Sperling …
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Nice while it lasted [weather] We advocate hand-to-hand combat [uber vs dc] Things at the White House are [sunny] eBay gold [doritos for sale] Pick a dog [any dog] Photo by Noe Todorovich 
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SO you just arrived to DC. Is it your first time here? Are you an intern? Are you a hopeless post-grad? Do you even know anyone? More importantly, does anyone know you?  Here are some of your basic survival tips to make sure you don’t embarrass yourself in the District …
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