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The Washington Nationals have finally made the most important announcement of the preseason – which vendors will be serving up the food at the new stadium.  The Nats announced that they have partnered with 11 local food service vendors at the new Nationals Park. Drum roll please… Included are the …

In perhaps the boldest move in congressional campaigning history, Rep. Bob Inglis has released a web video that highlights his complete inability to dance. The “Get Down with Bob” video invitation is a must watch. [oh. my. goodness.] It’s unclear as to whether Rep. Inglis staffers were reluctant to appear …

Presidential hopeful and fulltime funny man Mike Huckabee once again charmed millions, as he poked fun at himself and his inability recognize his long shot campaign is over. On Saturday night, Huck added a crucial bullet point to his resume as he appeared on SNL and had this classic exchange …

House Minority Leader John Boehner is defying direct orders from the wildly popular Chief Administration Officer Dan Beard, and refusing to take down his earmark reform website. According to Roll Call, the website URL was approved back in August, but now that the site has thousands of views, and has …

Maryland lawmakers aren’t making much sense these days. After admitting that their state is comprised of too many fat people, and talking about perhaps making “walking” the official state exercise [better make it speed walking], they are now in the midst of heavy debate as to whether or not they …

A Texas State Senator who supports Barack Obama can’t name a single legislative accomplishment of his. And just how long until Camp Hillary captures this very awkward moment and cuts an ad very similar to this one?

Google Inc., YouTube Combining Forces with GOP to Create Tech-Savvy Convention

Famously recomended: Garrett Graff recently penned “The First Campaign: Globalization, the Web, and the Race for the White House.”  This book is a must read that explores the political, economic and technological changes that Graff believes will make this years race for the White House a campaign of “new age.”  [click …

Does Congressman John Shadegg’s surprise retirement announcement now make more sense given rumors of a McCain retirement from the Senate?  Is Shadegg preparing for a senate run?  Was he tipped off by McCain?

Republicans walk out on contempt vote – unclear as to whether they’re on their way to get meatball subs. At a press conference following the walkout, Boehner said “Before Congress leaves town, we must give our intelligence officials the tools they need to keep America safe. “The president will delay his trip …

House of Chaos: Memorial service quickly overshadowed by political gamesmanship UPDATE: [from the Politico]  We’ve heard from several sources that members and staff from both sides of the aisle are outraged.  “This morning, during the memorial service for Tom Lantos – a public servant beloved on both sides of the aisle …

Remember the hacked off New Hampshire doctor that claimed the Clinton camp fled town and failed to pay rent on a building he owned?  Well, apparently the disgruntled former Clinton fan wasn’t lying – and the proof is in the recent check the Clinton camp handed over to the New …

The Politico thinks it’s put together a pretty comprehensive list of power-playing politicos, and while some of their choices are suspect, [see for yourself] the FamousDC editors do agree with some of the choices made.  Congressional Staffers Neil Bradley: POSITION: Policy director to House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) REASON …

House Mulls Contempt Votes Against Bolten, Miers [looking for calendar space] Pettitte rats out Clemens [stop snitching] House Republicans declare a Floor War over FISA [terrorist surveillance] Top GOP House leaders endorse McCain [coming around] Sharpton: Don’t Seat Fla., Mich. [why do people listen to him?] A beagle is king …

Earmark reform meets the web [Boehnerland] It’s national “your butt isn’t getting any skinnier” day [IHOP] Reid refuses to scold his liberal cronies [code pinked] Politico: Chesapeake Forever [Chesapeake Challenge Day] Polar Bears Not Guilty, Guilty [grimster] Mayor Bloomberg: Global Warming Will Kill Us ALL! [oh noes] FishbowlDC: Washington prom …