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Young Washingtonians Guide to DC

It’s no mystery that free booze drinks on Capitol Hill are hard to come by these days. Ever since Jack Abramoff pooped the nest, a free drink, bought by your favorite lobbyist, is frowned upon. Perhaps even illegal. So beyond having to bang the barkeep for free shots, how does …

The Metro is the lifeblood of DC travel, [lucky you] especially since gas prices have shot through the Capitol Dome. You can get just about anywhere within the district on the Metro.  And even some places you’d never want to. If you have no idea what the “Metro” is, we’ll …

Some would argue that this is one of the only leisure activities a young Hill staffer can both afford and enjoy. Your drinking time is important and how you approach your drinking will make all the difference in the size of your wallet and the smoke screen that is your …

Are you a recent college-grad, intern, or procrastinating Capitol Hill staffer who hasn’t quite pulled it together? Well, if so, we’ve got some well-guided advice that might just help you out. The editors here at FamousDC have begun to compile a list of tips and best practices for aspiring young …