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Are you a recent college-grad, intern, or procrastinating Capitol Hill staffer who hasn’t quite pulled it together? Well, if so, we’ve got some well-guided advice that might just help you out.

The editors here at FamousDC have begun to compile a list of tips and best practices for aspiring young politicos.

Throughout the summer we will release tips on how to live life in the District, until we reach a comprehensive list or run out of ideas, which ever comes first. [as always, your suggestions are welcomed at [email protected]]

From balling on a budget in Georgetown, to living life on the phones as a staff ass, FamousDC will share advice to help you navigate the Nation’s Capital.

Now get out there and make some bad decisions.

#1 Housing Options [Living beyond the youth hostels]

You’ve landed a job or internship, but now you need a place to lay your head. Unless you’re rolling into DC on the heels of a trust fund or financially eager parents, you’re going to have to temper your penthouse expectations. The cost of living in this city is beyond sobering.

Remember, you’re under 30 and working in the Nation’s Capital. That means your budget is limited and housing choices are going to reflect that- and more than likely you’re going to have to live with other Hill rats in a cramped Brownstone that was built a moment or two after dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Rent will likely be upwards of $600 a month, plus your portion of the bills, which can be insane, even when divided by four- depending on whether or not drunk roommates shut doors, turn of air-conditioning units and limit showers to less than 45 minutes. [*Unless you want to sell a pint or two of blood each month to pay for bills, try to pick roommates that don’t suck.]

If you’re adventurous, and want leave the frat house living to ill-informed co-workers, there’s a chance you’ll find a decently priced high-rise apartment building in Virginia or Maryland. While these places tend to be little nicer than the turn of the century museums on Capitol Hill, they do require longer commutes that will grow old within moments of starting your job. [insert gas prices, so choose carefully]

Our suggestion: Explore Craigslist when looking for a place to live. Once you sift through the bizarre posts that will likely creep you out, you’re apt find postings from real people, looking for normal roommates.

Note: If you go to meet potential roommates, make sure the rendezvous spot is well lit and heavily trafficked. We’re only trying to help.

And speaking of house-mates, we offer this advice: There are many ways to ruin good friendships, one of which is to put four women in a house and call them “roommates.” Our recommendation to the ladies, sprinkle in a dude somewhere in the mix and ignore what your father might have said about living with the opposite sex – trust us, you’ll need a referee who’s willing to take out garbage and carry your drunk asses up the stairs.

If you follow this advice, you’ll spare yourself the hassle of walked leases and the sport of transferring utilities every few months.

Good luck, campers.