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Some would argue that this is one of the only leisure activities a young Hill staffer can both afford and enjoy. Your drinking time is important and how you approach your drinking will make all the difference in the size of your wallet and the smoke screen that is your social image.

So finding cheap booze is essential, but how is that accomplished?

Any broke staffer needs a good drink and a reliable plan. As much as your friends are going to want to go from bar to bar, mistakenly avoiding good specials, don’t fall into that trap. Going from Dupont to Georgetown may sound fun and exciting, but it’s expensive and stupid, unless you have a plan.

Because you make a little more than minimum wage, but less than most circus performers, don’t leave the house without a good road map for boozing.

Now get to planning.

PREVIOUS: Young Washingtonians Guide to DC

#1 Housing Options [Living beyond the youth hostels]