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We’ve spent hours writing posts about this type of behavior and to be quite frank, it’s growing old. [good riddance] Indiana Rep. Mark Souder (R) will resign his congressional seat after an affair with a staffer came to light, he said in a statement this morning. “It is with great …

You know, maybe Dan Synder IS just right for Washington, D.C. The lovable Skins owner is getting torn apart worse than his defensive line in the press this morning for kicking out "fans" who had the gall to bring unflattering — not to mention dangerous! — signs to FedEx Field …

Ever wake up after a late night of drinking and realize that you parked your car in your neighbor’s yard, slept in your clothes [on the floor] and your cell phone is sitting in a blender filled with beer? Yeah, well Jim Zorn feels worse than that this morning. Now …

We already tweeted this, but it’s worth repeating. Obama [while on Fox] just wrote off the Washington Nationals.  No worries – their fans did that months ago.  [TWI] If the President gives up on you, there isn’t much "hope" or "change" in your near future. h/t Stet Sports

The “Brain Fart of the Week” award goes to the Facebook legal team for hatching this terrible idea in the first place. h/t Santiago Leon

If you weren’t fed up enough with Nancy’s new kitchen, now you have one more reason to rage. House Cafeteria Prices to Rise Next Week [Roll Call] Prices in the House cafeterias will soon increase, with most food items costing from 10 percent to 20 percent more – and some …

Rusty, former editor of Why I Hate DC, ain’t too happy.  Why?  Because the blog he help launch into stardom has recently pooped the nest. Rusty, who moved to Columbus, Ohio to pursue a career in adult films, has been checking the progress of the site’s new editor, Liz, and …