Posts Tagged

storm jonas

We know how it goes, you hear about a storm coming and you make a long list of lofty goals to accomplish during your hibernation period. And then before you know it, the frenzy passes and it’s Monday again *cue groans*. …but depending on how you look at the glass, …

A general overview of DC’s road conditions, brought to you straight from the FamousDC news desk. General road conditions Not so great. From NW to SE, road conditions seem to get worse. DC got up to 30 inches of snow this weekend and most of that is still on the roads …

FAMOUS FRIDAY ROUND UP #WEEKEND Weather: Clear skies and sunny! Enjoy the weekend weather and make sure your plants have lots of water outside in the sun. Be sure to use a minimum of 30 SPF – this weekend is going to be one of the most gorgeous on record! For additional …