Weather: Clear skies and sunny! Enjoy the weekend weather and make sure your plants have lots of water outside in the sun. Be sure to use a minimum of 30 SPF – this weekend is going to be one of the most gorgeous on record! For additional weather info, our weather model that is mostly accurate and completely unusable.
Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Why stick to one bar during the storm when you can have 23 instead? More pro tips in our Snowed In Survival Guide; Throw the most epic snowstorm party (and send us pics); Cheer on our Washington Capitols during their games this weekend; Pretend you’re the Washington Capitols and go out and slide around on the ice; Join in on some snow wars and snow fights.
Famously Snowed In Survival Guide
Storm Jonas is here and we know what you want, and what you want is a strong drink, a hot meal, and an epic snowstorm to enjoy with your friends.
So with what could be our biggest blizzard in years just around the corner, FamousDC reminds you to be responsible, by following our Famously Snowed In Survival Guide – a comprehensive list of every spot you won’t want to miss in all of your favorite neighborhoods.

Our team of sharp-minded strategists, visionary graphic designers, technology fanatics, and analytics fiends work together to build seamless solutions to our clients digital communications challenges. We love what we do: seamlessly building solutions to our clients’ digital needs.
Who’s ready to join us in Houston?; Sarah Palin’s Trump endorsement is like the train wreck you can’t look away from; We’re about to start seeing a lot more NBA leg, prepare your eyes; Why won’t Emma Parker friend us!?; Specifically; Don’t hit reply all. Just don’t; If ISIS could engineer one inch of snowfall, we’d be in trouble; It’s rare we say DC could learn something from Philadelphia but; May we remind you it does not say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty; This Pentagon is empty; Ted Cruz’s old roommate is pretty funny; Humanity is officially over; This is real untapped untalent; What kind of sick person do you have to be to want a star destroyer?; Miley and Kanye, Kanye and Miley; We give up, we’re doomed.
Make sure you’re fully stocked up on milk, bread, and condoms!; Shovel your sidewalk, or don’t, the city doesn’t care; Sweet Jesus, WaPo, easy on the headlines; We’re ready for the Trump Dump this weekend, and the snow; Drew Schneider tells you everything you need to know about Petworth; Remember, snow accumulation doesn’t count unless it’s measured with your ruler and a picture is put on Instagram; We Are Family DC is doing the incredibly honorable deed of delivering groceries to seniors tonight (h/t BYT); An equally honorable but surely more painful task is also being done as Washington City Paper recaps every episode of Real Housewives of Potomac; Give the people what they want: Walmart.
Friday Grind
What It’s Like To Wait On OPM to “Call It”
Through the Lens of Kevin Wolf
Killer Mike Kicking it at the DNC Presidential Debate
Famous 5: Paul Brandus, of the West Wing Reports
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Move to DC

FamousDC Grows Team; Adds Capabilities
Washington, D.C. – FamousDC today announced the addition and promotion of several team members. The media company will continue to grow its audience, while also rapidly expanding its event production capabilities around the country.
“At FamousDC we are successful because we engage and connect with our audience,” said Amos Snead, Co-Founder, FamousDC. “The growth of our media company provides an opportunity to connect even further with our clients and continue to create unique content and must-attend events, taking DC’s media scene to the next level.”
Famous birthday wishes to Tim Young; Joe Melber; Alo Kalubah; Andrew Baird; Drew Harwood; Pat White; Lisa Henigin; Garrett Bordon; Lars Hydle; Josh Kersey; Logan Donaldson; Paul Mandelson; Carolyn Pierce Tate; David Schnittger; Johnny Feffer; Hunter Downs; Clayton Clark; Chip Ayres; Brad Boyer; Taylor Kern.
daveweigel; mattyglesias; Rachel_Sadon; keck41; bennyjohnson; BrendanBuck; TheFix
Carla Weiss appears to be the only person in DC without a Google alert set for herself; Kristy Campbell, on the other hand, has Google alerts for everyone; Todd Bowers is following the thunder; D. Archibald Smart’s daughter is going to disown him when she’s older; The Jeff & Joseph Group is growing; Katie Harbath to open meatball bar in DC; Lauren Dayspring is bailing the snow this weekend; God speed Charles Faulkner; Laurent Crenshaw crushed a Costco run this week, so if you run out of food, go see him; Where in the world is Alisha Perkins?; Christian Clymer, we hope your snow is free of dirt and leaves; How many times has Sean Bonyun sung his “snow day” chant; Is Jake Heller working on his bowling game yet?; Happy first birthday Anna Nagle; We’re expecting really adorable and hilarious Instagrams of Amos Snead’s kids in the snow this weekend; Five Guys in Georgetown is closing?!; We’re never going to Smith Point again; Just kidding we never go to Smith Point; Does Kathryn Lyons read the Round Up yet?; Nate Politi is the hardest working man in DC; Happy 26th birthday to Renee Elmers’ pet bird; Hey Tom Wilbur, we’d LOVE another solid Fred snow selfie!; We can’t wait to see celebrity baby and living doll Julien in person soon; Congratulations Mitch Relfe on being the newest member of the Congressman Byrne team; Local comms rockstar Katherine Cresto to join Edelman’s Digital Financial Communications team next month; How much swag envy did Nick Uehlecke have last night?; Give Matt Duckworth a high five when you see him.
Congrats to Adam Connor joining the Account Management team of Slack on Monday; WaPo’s Arc welcomes latest partner, USC Annenberg; John Johnson takes on new role as political editor as The Root; After finally being released from Iranian prison, reporter Jason Rezaian returns to the Washington Post; Washington Examiner is happy to bring back Joel Gehrke.
Raise your hand if you’re already out of #EmergencySnowWine