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DC’s newest sneaker event, Hide & Sneak DC, scheduled for June 28 promises to be unlike all other sneaker swap events. This event will bring together local artists, designers, DJs — and of course, sneaker lovers of all walks. The venue is super dope, too  – it’s a subterranean art gallery in Adams MorganIf you’re a sneaker head, you can’t miss this event.

We will live by the promise of hashtag #NATL Can we watch all sports with this filter on?; Here are 45 names the NYT’s Upshot rejected that you can use for your new data journalism organization; #MyNYPD; O, Canada; Goodbye Google+; Hannity vs. Stewart; Comcast vs. Netflix; Andy Warhol created …

Why are we buying companies losing money by the minute? We want these. Diatribes by Joah President Obama: 5 Companies US Taxpayers Would Like to Own President Obama, We wanted to write you and see if you would consider buying into some American companies that we think would be sounder …

By giving away free Michael Jordan gear in the Redskins’ locker room. Chris Cooley’s Blog: Free Stuff! Jason Taylor made a huge impact in the locker room his first week of training camp. The team arrived to the locker room prior to an afternoon practice finding a heap of stacked …

Lebron James supports Obama with $20K And the most predictable headline award goes to the L.A Times: LeBron James dunks $20G’s in the basket for Barack Obama

Every now and then something happens in sports that reminds us all that sometimes those Nike and Gatorade commercials can be real. If you didn’t see what Josh Hamilton did last night at the MLB home run derby, you missed out. A former first round draft pick in 1999, Josh …