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Mark Sanford

From Last Call: Gov. Sanford is headed out of town this weekend with his wife for a short vacation. In related news, his mistress has announced she will be hiking the Appalachian Trail. Well played.

Yesterday’s coverage of the WaPo "Pay to Print" saga dominated the news .  Even Mark Sanford was relieved to know that it would be highly improbable that his name would be mentioned in the same breath as this scandal. Or would it… South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) had his …

Dear Mark — We talked to our spiritual advisor today, and he told us to tell you – it’s about time to move on.  [dude, seriously…] Kenny Rogers might have said it best … You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, Know when to …

The Famous line of the week in a political story award goes to Jonathan Martin for this forbidden gem. JoMa: South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s affair turns political The intra-party machinations highlight a part of the Sanford soap opera that goes past the governor’s lust for forbidden flesh.

This will be the funniest thing you read all day – so just click it.  ["okay, I sold weed in college"]

We guess marriage is between a man, woman and somebody from Argentina … From Mark Sanford’s Inaugural Speech: [click] "In not my, but our collective hands, is held the promise of change." From Mark Sanford’s emails to his Argentian girlfriend: [click] "The erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two …

Gov. Mark Sanford just spent 30 minutes apologizing to everyone he has ever met, ate breakfast with or sat next to in church –  before admitting to having an affair. [with a female] The only person happy about this news — Sen. John Ensign.

Dear Governor Sanford, When Senator John Ensign confessed to an affair with a former staffer, we were amused but not necessarily impressed . Then you came along with your unplanned vacation to South America. Your staff thought you were hiking in the woods – but not you, you wanted something …

Move over Heidi and Spencer — you two aren’t the only ones who decided to get away from it all in order to hang out in the wilderness. Ben Smith: Sanford was in Argentina [why would anyone want to go there?] Before everyone starts giving him a hard time about …

Gov. Mark Sanford is set return to his office tomorrow following widespread panic over his whereabouts. [hiking boots] As for Sen. John Kerry – he hasn’t been heard from since 2004. Update: Wikipedia on top of the "absence" like CNN on Twitter. UPDATE: A reader reminds us that we’re morons …

If we had a category tag on FamousDC entitled “strange as hell,” this would go under it. The whereabouts of Gov. Mark Sanford was unknown for nearly four days, and some state leaders question who was in charge of the executive office. His wife must have been worried, right? She …

Politico reports that Republican Governors Mark Sanford of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas are planning virtual Tea Parties via teleconference in hopes of capitalizing on the energy generated by the real tea parties that have been held across the country. [virtual tea = no calories] The Republican Governors …