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We’re just two weeks away from kicking off the summer-tourists-in-DC-flood season.  But this year’s festival of out-of-towners standing on the wrong side of the Metro escalator will have a twist.  When you find yourself standing in line behind a tourist at a place like the National Archives, Air & Space …

From MattDeLuca’s Twitter Feed: Taking over @famousdc ‘s world HQ as Foursquare mayor ranks as one of my greatest accomplishments. No. I’m not @famousdc FamousDC on FourSquare

Running into a lot of dudes when you venture out to Adams Morgan? [app for that] Assisted Serendipity is a simple little application that uses Foursquare checkin data to alert you when the “scales of love tip in your favor,” i.e. when the male-to-female is on your side at a …

We here at FDC have been very vocal about our dislike of Foursquare. Matter of fact, we’ve gone as far as stating that Foursquare “serves no purpose beyond helping you stalk strangers.” Perhaps it’s our fear of knowing too much personal information about people. Or perhaps it’s because we don’t …

We think this would be f*cking awesome for the city of Chicago: [political punch] Rahm Emanuel on someday becoming the mayor of Chicago: “I hope Mayor Daley seeks reelection. I will work and support him if he seeks reelection. But if Mayor Daley doesn’t, one day I would like to …

We do not consider ourselves early adopters. We just got a fax machine, recently started yelling “Kelly Clarkson!” during waxings, and just caught on to that new song sweeping the nation, the Macarena. But when we found out about a new social network mapping technology, we were intrigued…for about two …

Besides being an enabler for pub crawls, Foursquare technology seems to serve little purpose. If you’d like to make a case for the application, please email us at [email protected] and let us know why we shouldn’t poop on it.