Posts Tagged

brightest young things

Streetcar delays in D.C. [and in more surprising news, the tooth fairy was your mom] No big deal but Josh Kraushaar rocked it on [Morning Joe today] The McMillan Reservoir Sand Filtration Site [spooky and in your back yard] Arlington can’t forget [what made it the Arlington it is today] …

That’s right DC, get ready for your own flight test and be prepared to soar. Or splash. Either way, you’ll end up a winner at Red Bull’s Flugtag. This year, Red Bull’s Flugtag is coming to National Harbor’s Southpointe Waterfront on September 21st. If you’ve ever seen these contests where …

There ain’t much more in this world that we enjoy more than lists – especially end of year lists containing all FamousDC folks. From Facebook to Brightest Young Things and from Wale to the  Obama White House … Meet the 35 people under 35 who changed DC in 2010. 2010 …

…perhaps that should be the name of our next rock band. [byt] big h/t to Brightest Young Things