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That’s right DC, get ready for your own flight test and be prepared to soar. Or splash. Either way, you’ll end up a winner at Red Bull’s Flugtag.

This year, Red Bull’s Flugtag is coming to National Harbor’s Southpointe Waterfront on September 21st. If you’ve ever seen these contests where folks compete to fly their homemade flying contraptions at Red Bull’s event and wondered how you could be just as awesome, then now is your time to shine. So be a boss and APPLY by June 1st.

A few tips for first time flyers:

  • First and foremost, rules.
  • It is critical to remember that judging is not solely based on if you actually fly. You need a little flair. 15 pieces is recommended but we suggest you go the extra mile.
  • Invest in rain gear unless you work for NASA and have this in the bag.
  • Red Bull gives you wings, so this is like a guaranteed win, right?
  • And remember, you only fail if you don’t try.