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April Fools

In a bid to protect the rights of the good looking, Senators Brown and Thune will put their monosyllabic names together to form a new caucus. No word yet on a Joint Committee with Reps. Bono and Herseth Sandlin…either way, look for video. Note: Sen. Brown renounced his retirement minutes …

We’ve known it for years, we just never had proof.  According to the latest FDC survey, nobody [including staff] actually reads the legislation that is crafted on Capitol Hill. “We never read these things – they’re just too long,” said an unidentified staffer wearing salmon-colored khakis and a crab belt. …

Crabs, lobsters, whales, and sailboats are banding together to face their common enemy: Georgetown Frat Daddies. In what is likely only the first salvo in what promises to be an epic battle between critter and Cap Clubber, a crab left its braided belt homeland to take the life of a …

Leonard Nimoy is tired of being the only original Trek cast member not either dead or gainfully employed [you can find Nichelle Nichols at your local BK drive thru], so he’s switching places with the Gentlehipster from Connecticut, Rosa DeLauro. J.J. Abrams couldn’t be more excited with the change. No …

Only months after tea drinkers swept him into office, Scott Brown announced he was leaving Congress. “This job looked a lot better on paper. Plus, I have less time to drive my truck…which I generally do without pants on. Did I mention I drive a truck? And that my daughters …