Posts Tagged

web 2.0

We here at FDC have been very vocal about our dislike of Foursquare. Matter of fact, we’ve gone as far as stating that Foursquare “serves no purpose beyond helping you stalk strangers.” Perhaps it’s our fear of knowing too much personal information about people. Or perhaps it’s because we don’t …

The ongoing lesson in how to produce good web videos continues… It’s all about the Irish Whiskey…

This is amazing. Dennis Hong from Cracked has accessed the deepest recesses of his comedic mind to examine the psychology behind posting a status update, and he’s summarized the results in a neat little flowchart. In addition to examining the thought process of your average Facebooker, he’s created a points …

Republican Attacks on Health Reform: Dèjá Vu All Over Again [interactive]

David Almacy : Anyone else find it odd there’s nothing on re: today’s Jobs Summit? I did find a Thank You page UPDATE: The site now has the forum prominently displayed. UPDATE II: As of 12 PM, Job Summit video was prominently displayed on the front of, …

Did Twitter just cruise by the Lincoln Memorial, run down the mall, skip past the White House, and then jump the shark? NY Times: The Week in Washington on Twitter Howard Kurtz: Anchors Twittering Their Lives Away

Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer stops by the WaPo and pronounces newspapers and magazines dead. Kim Hart: Steve Ballmer Swings By the Post Steve Ballmer’s favorite TV show is “Lost,” but he refuses to pay a buck to get it on iTunes–he’d rather deal with a few ads. He still isn’t sure …