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Tour de Cure
Are you looking to burn off your brunch and make a difference? Well look no further than the Tour de Cure and Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association is inviting walkers and riders of all levels to join them on Saturday, September 24th in Richmond, VA to be …

Uncovering The Undefeated
The Undefeated – ESPN’s newest platform focused on the intersection of race and sports – is finally seeing the light of day and, after several months of some turbulence, the light at the end of the tunnel. The Undefeated launched this morning to bring its audience stories of athleticism, altruism and inspiration from …
Great Campaign Ad [Bryan Weaver for Ward One]
Finally, a campaign ad that doesn’t have a creepy voice over and grainy pictures of Barack Obama. Two thumbs up to Bryan Weaver for keeping it real and clever. [DC’s Ward One] h/t AM
Things Are Getting Fun Down in Florida
Fark brings up a good point: Only Florida could possibly elect a Republican governor, who is running as an Independent and might vote with Senate Democrats. [tan] An upcoming survey of the Florida Senate race by Public Policy Polling (D) finds that if Gov. Charlie Crist were to win — …
Will Ayla Brown Rock Out At Her Dad’s Election Night Party Tomorrow?
If so, here’s our dream set for the Scott Brown election night party in Massachusetts: National Anthem … Respect … Some Kind Of Wonderful … Dancing In The Streets Also, if you are reading this Ayla, we’d be happy to open for you…we’ve rocked this one at karaoke nights numerous …
Lobbyists Are Such a Drag
If only we were lucky enough to actually get lobbyists to hop in a car and race away from us. Until then, this will have to do. [start your engines and get your charity on]
Change You Can Take to the Race Track
Obama to Sponsor a NASCAR car? Nah, not so much according to the L.A. Times: The Barack Obama campaign has reportedly declined the proposal of BAM Racing to be hood sponsor of the No. 49 Toyota driven by Ken Schrader at the Aug. 3 Pocono race.
Fred’s out
Fred Thompson drops out of the race for the Republican nomination for president. UPDATE: Erick Erickson of says Fred’s not dead [conservative leader]