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When You Need A Drink on November 8, Check Out This List
Tuesday is upon us. Although we cannot predict what will happen on election night, we can predict that we’ll need a drink. Or three. Regardless of the results, D.C. bars and restaurants are offering up their massive TVs, killer drink specials, and election-themed libations on November 8. Here’s our list of …

Halloweekend Bar Guide
Remember when we were kids and got all dressed up for halloween in elaborate store-bought costumes and went door-to-door trick or treating? Well, we still do that as adults – only now we dress up in all black, throw some ears on and and go bar-to-bar trick or treating for as many drinks as …

Cinco de Margo
Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that is to be taken as seriously as the type of tequila you put into your frozen margarita and any Mexpert knows that no margarita is the same – just ask Don Julio. Recognizing the importance that Americans have placed on a Mexican holiday that Mexico …