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Sugar Daddy [economics] Missed [mad dc cabbie] Romcoms [little time] Phone call [pirates] Cabinet Maker [CQ] Business 101 [costly]

Super Obama World [the game] Pro Bowl [#skins] LinkedIn [hater] Serious [K Street] Wiping [butts]

Run-off [princess sparkle pony] Head O State [wow] Super Ride [skins] Heritage [fading] Flameco [chic] Torture [I95]

Scott Nance Jonathan Grella Donny Williams Brian Schubert Shira Toeplitz Cheryl Parker Rose Kim Oates S.A. Miller Molly Gannon Andrea Rogers

Cheese balls [eastern shore] Press Advance [good form] Spotted [Pamela’s Punch] Stay Classy [deceiver] FAIL (Again) [GM] Post [secret]

Michelle Rhee turns DC fame into national fame. She’s been on quite a media tear with a Washingtonian profile, an Atlantic Monthly profile and now the cover of Time Magazine. DCist‘s Kriston Capps tiptoes around calling DC’s Education Czar Michelle Rhee FamousDC: This cover illustrates a couple of interesting phenomenons: …

Thanksgiving out [DC Concierge] Spot Crime DC [scary] Turkey Tips [real guy] Open Houses [DC] Bail Out [print] FAIL [AIG]

Pelosi [malnurtured snay] Facebook Hook-up [25-17] Relax [project beltway] Christmas Tree [g-town] Mailing it in [POTUS] Hilarity [coooooley] Congrats [new job] Favorite [PoP]

A press release issued by House Republican Leader John Boehner regarding Rahm Emanuel ends up in a Saturday Night Live Skit. It is F*&%$%!&*G awesome. SNL: A Message from The White House Chief of Staff Designate h/t AMC

…And we were given the first official sneak peak. This amazing new video by The Frustrations is just a glimpse of what you’ll get if you join them tonight at the Rookery. The Frustrations … 11-14-2008 21:00 at The Rookery 2519 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, Washington DC 20037 Cost: Some … …

What does this button do? [yep] Fake NY Times [1.2 million?] Weekend Drink [specials] Doors closing [change] Too Soon [christmas] Cheaper tix [NFL] Come back [PB]

Happy Monday. How was your weekend? Here’s the DC update if you’re stuck on the trail knocking on doors and making calls. Texas Tech shocked the world Following Jay Z is tough Not sure if it moved any votes, but damn funny. Who doesn’t want pork knives? Head’s up – …

Anyone want to make a bet on how many Sarah Palins running down M Street tonight?

Mo Money [mo problems] Ambinder [crushing] Whoa [nicolasix] Play on [player] Sticker [shock]

Lots of FamousDC readers are making calls and knocking on doors on the campaign trail, but we still have an update to go with your morning coffee. The Barack Obama special provided inspiration, but everyone wasn’t convinced.  Oh, and Philly is still being obnoxio. Enjoy the coffee.