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Stretch out your tweeting thumbs, round up your b-cards, and grab those Crest Whitestrips because it’s finally here– it’s White House Correspondents Dinner Weekend. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, then odds are you are a nobody — it’s #nerdprom weekend and it’s going to get a little …

Story Partners, in honor of the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner,  hosted a slew of Washington influentials at their inaugural “Welcome to Washington: A Salute to Women in Journalism” event. The party, co-hosted by Story Partners’ Gloria Dittus, NBC’s Betsy Fischer Martin,Washingtonian’s Cathy Merrill Williams, CNN’s Dana Bash, CBS News’ Jan Crawford, and The New Republic’s Julia Ioffe definitely kicked off the weekend …

Good weather is finally here, and so is your weekend. If you’re not invited to any WHCD events, not to worry. There ARE other things happening in DC.

Want to find the most traveled routes in D.C. by both bike and running … so you can avoid those sidewalks? Yeah, us too. Check out this map from Strava. h/t Washingtonian  

This joke never gets old. Post by Barack Obama.

A bill shortly titled “Let Me Google That For You” is about to pass. With h/t to our tipster. S.2206 — Let Me Google That For You Act (Introduced in Senate – IS) 113th CONGRESS IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES A BILL To streamline the collection and distribution …

Congressman Jim Moran says Members of Congress are underpaid, and can’t live decently in DC. What hope is there for the rest of us? The senior appropriator pointed out that some members have taken to living out of their offices to save money, while others have “small little apartment units” …

Every year, as DC coasts to spring it also starts bursting at the seams with people. These people aren’t just tourists, they’re us, locals trying to enjoy the outside before it hits a scorching temperature near that of the surface of the sun. This year, we want  to make your annual it’s-so-nice-I-should-run jog around the mall or museum-with-mom trek a little more fun. Directions: Print this glorious list, grab a pencil and get people watching on the National Mall.

Bills and Brews is blowing up their Instagram. Here are our favorites from their feed so far:

#NATIONAL Always get the bigger pizza; Or maybe never get the pizza; We found the best ever House of Cards tumblr; Bitcoin: nice while it lasted; Lebron-man; Seaworld still pissed about “Blackfish;” where’s our American flag tee shirt?; what’s going on with the Tea Party?; Oscars Sunday; Anchorman 3: ain’t …

Meet Michael Beckerman. He’s the President & CEO of the Internet Association, representing America’s leading Internet companies and their global community of users. He caught up with us today to let us know more about the Internet Association’s First Annual Congressional Internet Freedom Award. This is important if, for example, you’d like House of Cards to continue streaming at a high quality, or if you want to show off your collection of animal gifs in an email to your mom. Read on here.

Did you download your House of Cards [Cards Against Humanity deck yet?] Peet’s Coffee is coming to town [and already has representation] Sony is selling waterproof Walkmans [in bottles of water] Ricki Lake will not be in Congress [sadly] District Taco opening a new location [all is right with the …

Shutdown Diaries at WCP [get real] Watch out for that midday rush [hour] Wild Animal Rehab Center opens in DC [cute] First Caps game! [loss] Summer weather this [weekend] What Members are tweeting about [shutdown tweets] Photo by Kevin Wolf

Today, the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza explained public opinion on the debt ceiling using The Big Lebowski. Take this in for a second. Congress: The Big Lebowski: Congress: The Big Lebowski: What they said: The answer lies with Bunny Lebowski, a character from the genius Coen brothers film “The Big Lebowski.” …