Posts Tagged

cherry blossom

Nothing says good morning like a cherry blossom bloom at sunrise. A veteran of our Through the Lens series, Jeremy Art captures another gorgeous scene in our nation’s capital.

The nation’s capital – sounds cool, right? I mean, it has been a few years since your sixth grade field trip, but you still think it would be awesome to call the Obamas your neighbors. Don’t let the hype and those perfect pearly columns of the White House fool you. …

Call your mom, the cherry blossoms could be delayed [they’re iced over] The Sweetlife 2015 lineup is out [check it out here] All Metro’s GM candidates [dropped out of the running] Photo by Robb Hohmann from the FamousDC Flickr pool All the latest links from around the District.

Every year, as DC coasts to spring it also starts bursting at the seams with people. These people aren’t just tourists, they’re us, locals trying to enjoy the outside before it hits a scorching temperature near that of the surface of the sun. This year, we want  to make your annual it’s-so-nice-I-should-run jog around the mall or museum-with-mom trek a little more fun. Directions: Print this glorious list, grab a pencil and get people watching on the National Mall.