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Tour de Cure
Are you looking to burn off your brunch and make a difference? Well look no further than the Tour de Cure and Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association is inviting walkers and riders of all levels to join them on Saturday, September 24th in Richmond, VA to be …
Jeff Sheely
Meet Jeff Sheely, co-founder of Urban Stems. He’s on a mission to bring on-demand happiness to everyone in the city, by bike. Read more about the mission, and how soon is too soon to send flowers after a date.
Can DDOT Embarrass Vehicles Out of D.C.’s Bike Lanes?
They’re sure as hell gonna try. h/t DCist L Street NW – We're rolling…trying to catch them #parkingdirty. Again: Please, please don't park in our bike lanes. — DDOT DC (@DDOTDC) May 5, 2014