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DC can be a tough town to make friends in but more often than not, the relationship gets its roots in business. At FamousDC, we’ve made it our motto to be “in the friends business”, to give credit where it’s due, and high-five the unexpected people who make DC tick.

It’s always a true honor when we get to be on the receiving end of a high-five from someone else. Thank you to the POLITICO team (high-five Anna Palmer) for a shout-out yesterday about our debate events. Mike Allen and Daniel Lippman – we owe you a fist-bump for the Playbook ink this morning.

The following text was excerpted from Anna Palmer’s article:

“K Street targets D.C. influentials – on campaign trail,” by Anna Palmer in Manchester:

Companies and associations increasingly are putting serious resources behind events aimed at the influence set on the ground in early primary states or flying in for debates. The sell, lobbyists say, is more casual and less transactional than trying to finagle face time in D.C. to sell legislation or press a policy. With cameos by Blain Rethmeier, Kenny Day, Amos Snead and Robby Zirkelbach 

The goal is — usually over cocktails and appetizers — to create opportunities for informal introductions, the exchanging of business cards and the promise of getting together to talk “business” in the future.

“Our guests know they aren’t going to have to sit through some hard sell or tedious presentation,” said Amos Snead, co-founder of Famous DC, a website that caters to “DC’s movers and shakers.” It has organized six events around Republican and Democratic debates and plans more at upcoming debates in Houston, Miami, Las Vegas and Dayton, Ohio.”

Read more here


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