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FDCMedia_Logo_RGB Famous Friday Round Up


Weather: DC’s holiday weekend is going to be a solid 85 degrees with a cooling light breeze and only the slightest chance of rain. Enjoy your last days of this DC summer.

Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Head over to Pearl Dive for a fantastic brunchHit up The Embassy Row Hotel for their epic pool partyPlan a delicious barbecueCheck out DC’s Blues FestivalWatch the free Labor Day concert at the US Capitol; Get to a Nats game this weekend; Check out DJ Ruby Rose at Echostage.


October 6th just became the most highly anticipated day of all time; Duck army; That friend who is always changing the rules of the game so they win; Obama flexes, renames Mt. McKinley; Then hangs out with Bear Grylls; These Miley Cyrus outfits … we can’t; Marijuana infused wine, sure why not?; Worst game ever dug out from the desert, sells for $100k; Ever wondered what NFL players talk about in the locker room?; People are paying attention to global climate change? Huh… weird; What would you do with 70,000 pounds of bacon?; Look at this photograph (joke courtesy of Katie Miller); We’re fairly certain that your week didn’t suck as bad as Roger Goodell’s; Fingers crossed for Tebow Time!


We REALLY don’t like tourists; Veep = Reality Show; Bobblegate 2015; How to make the metro suck lessBiden is a bigger tease than your ex-girlfriend; Because of anything else, the world needed more cat cafes; We just can’t seem to get this employment thing right; Planned Parenhood debate = possible government shutdown?; Thank you for no work on Labor Day; Deal or no deal, Trump?; Hey – that’s Melanie Fonder Kaye in the Washington Post.


Diner en Blanc through the lens of Instagram; Jazz in the garden ends the summer on a high note; Join the FamousDC team; That’s so Redskins; The “West” Wing; Famous 5 with John Burns; Famous 5 with Jaime BernsteinDan Payton is the reason why your Tuesday is going to be just fine; Through the lens of Clif Burns; Four artsy ways to explore DC this weekend.





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Huge famous birthday wishes to Tom ManatosJ.P. Freire; Jerry O’Donnell; Xochitl Hinojosa; Franny Derbs; Nina Di Virgillio; Julia Scott; Hannah DelFavero; Brien Ashdown; Sarah Mahoney; Gabby ChristMarlin Stutzman; Ander Crenshaw; Al Green; Alcee L. Hastings; Ann McLane Kuster; Buddy Carter; Danny K. Davis; William Keating; John Kline; Sander M. Levin; Kai Forbath; Colt MckoyCarie Arnold; Jared Allen turned 25 years old today; We want to buy Pranav Vora a really good-looking shirt for his birthday; Michelle Hawks ReinshuttleKalyn Cassanova StephensDan Ronayne.

Birthday shout out to one of our favorite FDC designers, Drew Ellis.


Did Joanna Piacenza arrive safely back in DC after her epic drive?; John Goodwin seems quite excited about the Brady decision; Elsa Huxley lost her “Art of Tidying Up” book; Katie Harbath is back in her happy place; Ask Ted Prill how is round of golf is going to go this afternoon; Linda Shultz is VA bound!; Stuart Roy got a new puppy AND has a new PR in front squat; Rebecca Heisler won book bingo; Louisa Imperiale and Trump go way back; Morgan Dean Weinberger is somewhere amazing; Mark Stand thinks the world is going mad… and we agree; Dan Reilly will be disappointed Saturday night at 8 pm; Tell Adrian Sferle congratulations; PACE’s Lance Brown celebrated a birthday; Friends, we’ve reached peak Redskins and the season ain’t even started yet; Someone buy Nate Tipton a beer for his birthday. 

Shout out to Sue Hensley, Senior Vice President of the National Restaurant Association.


Dylan Byers taking a huge leap to CNN from Politico; Neil Munro jumps over to Breitbart News; Amanda Carpenter takes on the role of a Political Commentator at CNN; Tara Palmeri – in Europe now with Politico; After 30 years, Wyatt Andrews is retiring from CBS; CNN welcomes David Axelrod as their Senior Commentator. 


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