Posts Tagged

will ferrell

#GUESTEDITOR   Lachlan Markay White House Reporter for The Daily Beast Weather: If you’re reading this, you haven’t blown away…yet. Or you have, but you somehow managed to hold onto your phone for dear life which is pretty standard these days. It’s staying chilly today so make sure you hold onto …

Well deserved. [NY Times] The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor is named for one of history’s most distinguished satirists and has, since 1998, been awarded to noteworthy comedians like Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Newhart, Neil Simon and Bill Cosby. But somehow, it just got a little classier: Will Ferrell, the …

Barack Obama sent Navy Seal Team 6 to take out Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad and made a statement confirming it on Sunday night. Former President George W. Bush finally responds to who and what has been terrorizing him for years. President Bush Reacts to Osama Bin Laden’s Death with …

Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell Thanks William!