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Yesterday, Bobby Jindal was compared to a goofy comedian featured on NBC’s hit show "30 Rock."  Today, the Politico figured it was time to cast a GOP villain. The winner … [find out] Who will they cast tomorrow? UPDATE: CNN’s Jack Cafferty compares the GOP to a cartoon. [respect your …

Yes … having solved the energy crisis, ended the Iraq war, and fixed social security, Congress is now spending today congratulating Florida Gator Tim Tebow (born in 1987) on winning the Heisman Trophy.  No really. H.Res. 901 – Congratulating University of Florida Quarterback Timothy “Tim” Tebow for winning the Heisman …

Following his Entourage brother Ari – Rahm still holding out for the biggest deal Ambinder: Rahm’s the Only One Now, Rep. Rahm Emanuel is the only Illinois superdelegate who hasn’t taken sides.