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Look out Tony Horton, your days might be numbered. [The Hill] Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said Wednesday she uses her Twitter account as a means to keep herself accountable. McCaskill told CBS’s “Early Show” that “public accountability” is one of the reasons she was able to lose 50 pounds this …

Mike Huckabee was seen yesterday at a Union Station hot spot. h/t Pat Gavin

We know weight gain is a touchy subject, but it’s time for an intervention, Pander Bear. Just a few years ago, you were a slim peppy little bear, harassing Democratic primary candidates. Fast forward to the present. We caught you getting involved in this whole Wisconsin mess…and let’s just say …

We didn’t want to say it, but … [packing it on for the winter] Mike Huckabee, a weight-loss advocate, lamented Wednesday that he has gained weight recently due to a painful foot condition that has limited his ability to run. "I gotta drop 25 pounds," he told reporters at a …

We’re writing this as friends. Friends who have noticed a disturbing and ultimately unproductive Facebook/Twitter practice: overweight/unattractive/old people using ancient or misleading photos as their profile pic. Look, we all want to look our best–and goodness knows the Famous DC team has never won a beauty pageant (except for that …