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The Eric Cantor for VP train is gaining momentum. And proof of that is in the fact that RedState, a neighborhood for conservative junkies, recently endorsed Cantor. And with less than 24 hours until an announcement is made, the question remains, will their bid yield influence? According to the Politico, …

…and of course, so did three quarters of the world. But we did leak a tip about Biden’s security detail being “doubled”, well before he was named Obama’s running mate. But, beyond the hype of actually naming a VP running mate, is how Camp BO did it.  Or “promised” to …

Whoever dreamed this idea up needs a raise. Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign announced tonight that voters who sign up for his text messaging alerts will be among “the first to know” his choice for the vice presidential nominee. [pure genius] What will they think of next?

It hasn’t been a great week for Bob.  Yesterday he struck someone with his car and then claimed he had no idea he had done it.  Now, just when Bob thought things couldn’t get worse, they do. Apparently Mr. Novak is taking some serious heat for misleading readers into thinking …

On Call: “Its A Google” John McCain stumping and raising cash today in Richmond joked about his method for vetting prospective veep candidates. Per pool press … “We’re going through a process where you get a whole bunch of names, and ya … Well, basically, it’s a Google,” McCain said. …