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DCist advises, “don’t worry about it.” If your water just started smelling a bit like a swimming pool, it isn’t another mystery contaminant. Along with the start of spring comes the annual cleaning of the water pipes in D.C., as well as Arlington County and the northeastern part of Fairfax …

Google is throwing a big soiree to kick off their D.C. Google City Experts program at the Long View Gallery tonight from 6:30-8:30. Google City Experts is an exclusive program offered in less than 25 cities across 7 countries that relies on local experts like you for the real scoop …

Every year, as DC coasts to spring it also starts bursting at the seams with people. These people aren’t just tourists, they’re us, locals trying to enjoy the outside before it hits a scorching temperature near that of the surface of the sun. This year, we want  to make your annual it’s-so-nice-I-should-run jog around the mall or museum-with-mom trek a little more fun. Directions: Print this glorious list, grab a pencil and get people watching on the National Mall.