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The Twitter banter about Michaele Salahi’s disappearance has been excellent. Patrick Gavin makes one of the more solid points: @pwgavin The good news? Your wife was not kidnapped. The bad news? She was cheating on you. Tommy McFly also had fun yesterday, asking followers to say where Michaele was not, …

We hope you enjoyed the break. What did you talk about over the grill? Triage or Playboy? Jeff Zeleny & Carl Hulse: Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House Eddie Kim: Salahi to Auction State Dinner Dress, Pose in Playboy

From the front page of today’s The Hill: Emily Goodin: Party-crasher crackdown for this weekend’s correspondents’ gala

Drive the morning Drive the afternoon Drive the after-party Politico sent Kiki Ryan on location to Las Vegas night club Pure. Not a bad gig.

AskMissA (12/11/09): The "Third Crasher" Revealed WaPo (01/04/10): Secret Service Confirms Third Party Crasher at State Dinner

We spotted this hilarity over at DC Blogs and wanted to share. New Kid on the Hill: Just wanted to say thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Salahi

Saturday Night Live’s opening skit lampooned the Famous White House party crashers. We can’t stop watching either.

Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger: Read this: Salahis, Jason Reitman, Willard Wigan

Raise your hand if you no longer give a sh*t. [or didn’t give one in the first place.] Big new news tonight on the Salahi front, from our colleagues Michael Shear and Jason Horowitz: The horse-country socialites corresponded with a top Pentagon aide in an effort to snag an invite …