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Okay DC, it’s Popelooza out there and we know it’s hard to sift through all the excitement. Lucky for you, this is your one stop shop for all things #PopeInDC. Tweets, snaps, hashtags, memorabilia, food specials, complaints, humble brags, and more. Enjoy. From one powerful Francis to another, @Pontifex… #PopeInDC …

As we’re all watching the news focus shift to the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, let’s remember that the Vatican knows how to drive and control global news cycles. The Vatican released the announcement at 6 am Eastern on a Monday morning, had video ready to roll-out and an army …

GWB to Pope: “Awesome speech.”  Really?  [h/t HotAir]

Pope mobile to cruise the streets of DC Wednesday and Thursday – and what this means for your commute… [jammed]

Who were the ad wizards behind this PSA?  And who in their right mind thought featuring a Pope bobblehead riding the metro was a good idea? Incase you missed it, DC Metro went in-house [not suggested] and created what someone thought was a creative PSA attempting to motivate people to …