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This seat is reserved. Only in America. Hat tip – David Almacy

GOP unveils new agenda at a lumber yard. Sean Duffy was jealous.

Election season is heating up and the hill journos are in high demand. Shira Toeplitz: After my WJLA hit at 11pm, I will have done TV hits on 3 networks/ affiliates today: WJLA-ABC, MSNBC and CBS. Welcome to campaign season! We  wanted to give Shira some positive coverage before the …

Or is this just a typical Morning Joe roasting? FishbowlDC’s Betsy Rothstein: Where’s Luke Russert? ‘Maybe he’s, um, Busy!’ RELATED: Chuck Rangel Thinks Asking Relevant  Questions About His Shady Behavior is Dumb

Hey shorty … 50 Cent endorsed Hillary Clinton in early 2008.

We missed them because it was Stras–mas here in DC. Here’s a recap: Everyone who claimed to be a “political expert” said Blanche Lincoln would lose.  They were all wrong. [Bill Clinton still has it] We learned that Demon Sheep make great Senate campaign volunteers. [who knew?] Nikki Haley had …

We would not tailgate this guy. He means business.

Us either! Help Ways and Means Republicans reach their goal of 5,000 Facebook fans. Become a fan here

From the front page of today’s The Hill: Emily Goodin: Party-crasher crackdown for this weekend’s correspondents’ gala

Does Tweeting count as lobbying? WaPo’s Cecilia Kang: Undercover persuasion by tech industry lobbyists Why pay for a golf trip, dinner or full-page ad when you can tweet for free?

The new Congressional Baseball Game website is live h/t – RST RELATED: Congressional Baseball Game Changer

Ben Smith: White House kills Hillary SCOTUS buzz The White House has yet to comment on FamousDC’s recommendation for the Supreme Court: Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle

Politico’s David Catanese: Five Ways to Lose the Senate Majority