Posts Tagged

NY Post

NY gubernatorial candidate threatens to “take out” NY Post reporter. [because that’s normal] Paladino and Post Reporter Have to Be Separated After Confrontation We’re also quite certain he doesn’t have a “Christmas card list”. The video on NBC has been taken down, but can be seen here:

NY Post’s “Page Six Palmeri” takes her morning coffee Famous. We hope Tara continues to keep her coffee classy in the Big Apple. C-SPAN, Page Six … where will the next FamousDC mug show up? PREVIOUS: Extreme Famous Morning Coffee

Page Six Palmeri is all growns up… via Emily Miller

Just asking … NY Post: WHICH members of Congress make regular, secret visits to Cuba as guests of Fidel Castro, flying in from nearby islands? Their passports aren’t stamped, so no one’s the wiser.

New York Post: Ripping Open New Wounds With the U.S. Senate having approved major health care reform legislation Thursday during an extraordinary Christmas Eve vote, Barack Obama moved one step closer to reshaping American medicine and accomplishing that which has eluded previous Democratic presidents.

To Whom It May Concern, If there is ever another "Can you lose $100 million in two years?" contest- we would like to participate.  [First Class, bitches!] Respectfully, FamousDC

From Page Six: WHICH female politician, who is married with children, is having an affair with a fellow Democrat who is also married with children? Her friends can’t believe she’s risking her career to indulge in illicit passion . . . WHICH veteran of the ’60s antiwar movement was all …

Just think … no matter how bad your day is, you don’t have to read a quote by Jay Z saying “you’re a dead man.” NY Post: *JAY-Z: ‘CHRIS A DEAD MAN’ “Chris is a walking dead man. He messed with the wrong crew.”

John McCain: I have wicked smart campaign surrogates.