Posts Tagged

morning joe

Trying  to outdo Anthony Weiner, Mark Halperin called President Obama a “dick” on Morning Joe today. Halperin quickly apologized on air, and on twitter and again on air. The apologies just keep coming. MSNBC Statement: Halperin’s comments … were completely inappropriate & unacceptable. We apologize to the President/WH/our viewers. MSNBC …

FamousDC mug gets ready to do a live shot on ‘Morning Joe. Photo taken by Meredith Shiner Where will the next Famous Mug shot show up?

President Obama shuts down airspace in New Jersey to attend a fundraiser for Senator Corzine’s campaign. So the serfs on all the other flights get delayed several hours heading back into New Jersey. No big deal, right? Unless one of those stranded passengers is Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough (and …