Posts Tagged
Majority Leader

Matt Lira Moves Back to D.C.
We said it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and in the title of this post, but we’ll say it again. Matt Lira is awesome. Today is his first day back on the Hill via Harvard. He has taken a position with Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office. Ya dig?
Steven E. Johnston Making Serious Moves
Steve Johnston has joined Google as an Account Executive on the Republican politics team. Most recently, he ran digital for Dan Sullivan’s winning Senate campaign in Alaska. He previously did product marketing for the Silicon Valley tech startup Quora. His political experience includes working in the Office of the House Majority …
Citizen Co-Sponsor Project: An Innovative Use of Facebook in Congress
Majority Leader Eric Cantor just released a game-changing new application called Citizen Co-Sponsor Project. Citizen CoSponsor will enable users to follow legislation they’re interested in. The application allows you to easily co-sponsor legislation and receive first-hand information and updates on the status of the bill as it moves through the …
House Republicans Hold Interactive Forum on Job Creation
House Republican Leaders hosted a jobs forum today in which participants were able to engage in the discussion across multiple digital platforms including a Twitter wall and streaming video on and Speaker Boehner’s Facebook page. Note: Rep. McCarthy looks ripped.
Congress Prepares for Massive Veisalgia
Veisalgia: The formal name for a hangover. Veisalgia, from the Norwegian word for “uneasiness following debauchery” (kveis) and the Greek word for “pain” (algia) — an appropriate title considering the uncomfortable symptoms Congress plans on experiencing the day after the inauguration. Matter of fact, hangovers are expected to be so …