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Last night Paul Begala took a stab at explaining the rational behind Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s false record as a Vietnam War veteran. “Voters are going to have to sort through whether this is some sort of fundamental character flaw, right– which I think many might think– or whether …

If South Carolina’s Joe Wilson hadn’t let his emotions get away from him last night, we would be talking about the Obama speech today. Who wants to do that? So while “You Lie!” will live on in our hearts forever, here are the top 10 other things we thought would …

Ever fired off an email and then regretted it a day later?  What about a blog post? As much as having a virtual bullhorn at your finger tips is nice, it can also be a pain in the ass. Case in point: Mark McKinnon’s blog [driving traffic] 6/23/09 | Sanford …