Posts Tagged

Fred Thompson

Because we all wanna know what David Frum is up too… This week, Fred Thompson, Robert Mueller, Tom Ridge, Juan Williams, Marion Barry, Ben Bernanke, Ken Mehlman, Robert Novak, Dana Milbank, Mark Warner, and David Frum were all spotted being various degrees of famous at various places by our spies …

Fred Thompson drops out of the race for the Republican nomination for president. UPDATE:  Erick Erickson of says Fred’s not dead [conservative leader]

White House race looks past February 5 Heated Exchange at Romney Stop Bloomberg vows to cut NYC taxes, if he can Romney Criticizes Rivals’ Lobbyists Ben Smith: Obama for Veep? Ambinder: Nevada’s At-Large Precincts Ruled Legal Cillizza: Rangel: Clinton Will Overcome “National Perceptions” A Rare Chelsea Comment

Under oath, Bloomberg dodges White House run query Bloomberg, who was a longtime Democrat, switched to the Republican Party to run for mayor in 2001. He won twice, spending more than $150 million of his own money, then dropped his party affiliation in June last year.

Clinton adviser charged with DWI in NH Fred Thompson relying on radio roots for SC Primary JoMa: Mitt pins hopes on home state to save him The Democrats try, but fail, to transcend race BET Founder Bob Johnson Criticizes Obama Clinton Courts Hispanic Vote in the West Minority Vote Moves …

JoMa: Fred raises big cash since debate, goes back on air

Ambinder: DNC Begins McCain Bracketing: “Pro-Bush Republican” with “Right Wing Baggage.” Cillizza: Clinton Cash Machine Keeps on Churning Sue Davis: Richardson to Drop White House Bid Bomb threat snags Giuliani campaign stop in Florida Republican Mike Huckabee defends his foreign policy Few New Yorkers want Bloomberg for president McCain, Clinton …

Sample ballots misspell Giuliani’s name – Rudi instead of Rudy

Clinton Wins NH in a Stunning upset