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Diary of a Mad DC Cabbie

We’re starting a campaign to bring back Diary of a Mad DC Cabbie because we miss those rants. Post a comment on his blog asking him to bring it back. How many other blogs in DC call out the police and the DMV –  or give you a better view of late …

It looks like our old friend the Mad DC Cabbie is back on the scene. After taking an unexplained break from blogging from December to August, Mad Cabbie is back in full force. Here are a few of his latest and greatest: Hot Cougar Mom Mad the Snitch Lonely Soul …

Diary of a Mad DC Cabbie: The Stalkers The guy came clean and told me that he wanted to spy on his girlfriend because he is convinced that she is cheating on him. She was supposed to be in her bed early, at least that was what she told him …

Diary of a Mad D.C. Cabbie: Passed Out I was rolling down Wisconsin avenue near the National Cathedral when some chics driving beside me honked and pulled me over. I thought they wanted directions but what they wanted was to dump their toasted friend in my back seat and move …