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bad news babes

We recently saw CQ Roll Call reporter Abby Livingston‘s article on the upcoming Women’s Congressional Baseball game public roster and reached out to her. When she replied, her pure joy that Congressional Softball was back prompted us to ask her to write a guest post. But before we get to the best things about the game, there are a few things you should know about Abby: She is co-captain of the press team (hardcore), AKA “The Bad News Babe.” In real life she’s a political reporter at CQ Roll Call They play for charity, the Young Survivtal Coalition, which supports women under the age of 40 who have breast cancer Both teams practice twice a week at 7am (did we mention hardcore?) Get your tickets to the Fifth Annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game here or visit their main website She’ll be crushing it at the game on June 26th (True story, we had to postpone this article for batting practice. Again, hardcore.) Top Ten Things That Make Congressional Softball Great 10. Lynn Sweet’s garden gloves(Photo courtesy of Jeff Malet)  9. Former Rep. Laura Richardson leaving her ethics hearing so she’d be on time to the game last year.  8. Every other league I’ve ever played in made me remove my pearls and other jewelry before the game. This is how the Congressional Women’s Softball Game rolls.