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Gov. Mark Sanford on his personal life: [rendezvous] “As a matter of record, everybody in this room knows exactly who I was with over the weekend,” Sanford told reporters during a press conference. “That is no mystery to anybody given what I said last summer. And you know the purpose …

Gov. Sanford is so unlucky, it’s beginning to rub off on people around him.  [can’t catch a break] South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s (R) car was pulled over for speeding and a video from a dashboard camera shows the trooper asking the driver, "You got a good reason for running …

Gov. Mark Sanford just spent 30 minutes apologizing to everyone he has ever met, ate breakfast with or sat next to in church –  before admitting to having an affair. [with a female] The only person happy about this news — Sen. John Ensign.

Dear Governor Sanford, When Senator John Ensign confessed to an affair with a former staffer, we were amused but not necessarily impressed . Then you came along with your unplanned vacation to South America. Your staff thought you were hiking in the woods – but not you, you wanted something …

Move over Heidi and Spencer — you two aren’t the only ones who decided to get away from it all in order to hang out in the wilderness. Ben Smith: Sanford was in Argentina [why would anyone want to go there?] Before everyone starts giving him a hard time about …

Quote of the week: “Barrack Obama on vacation in Hawaii, following the Fix’s lead, of course.” Keep the hat!