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Did you know that Andrew Breitbart ran The Drudge Report, helped start The Huffington Post and used to regularly IM with elite members of the Democrat media complex? Wired Magazine: How Andrew Breitbart Hacks the Media

The infamous “Demon Sheep” ad got us a bit intrigued about the races out there on the West Coast, and we happened to stumble upon a few other internet offerings that might be worth checking out…both focused on examining the candidates for Governor Level The Playing Field 2010, a union …

Oh boy… On the heels of that news, Public Policy Polling released this shocking nugget on its blog: "a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year.  [move on] A majority of Americans also blame ACORN for their bad mood …

ACORN founder Wade Rathke discussing attacks on his group: “It’s balderdash on top of poppycock Balderdash? Poppycock? Welcome to the year 2009, Rathke … Nobody has talked like that since Prohibition. But don’t worry, we are here to help with three modern responses that are simple, to the point, and …

JoMa reports on why this election cycle has gone to the squirrels.  [oh, we get it… ACORN]  Shoot us.

What’s even more awesome is that Mickey Mouse gets to vote.  [say cheese]