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Clinton Yates rocking it, How many United States Senators has Brian Walsh’s dog attacked?, Lt. Gov Pete Snyder, Chris Johnson caused many fantasy football owners to get fired, enjoy the holidays, neckbeard, how NOT to get a vote in Congress, Colin Shah’s awesome week, gift guide for dudes, gift guide for the ladies, #likeaboss, “That was unfair. That was illegitimate.”, Twas the Night before Christmas, anyone else got a Tebowner?, Andrew Foxwell ink, Gary Busey 2012, Jon Downs straight blew up, Warren Hayes stopped by for a private gig at the new Hamilton, NOT spotted out this week: Congressional staffers, David Drucker is crushing it on Special Report tonight,”Our solar system and planet Earth has begun to enter this expanse of 4th dimensional energy.”  You know, that like began 11-11-11. And here are your weekend picks.

chris paulitz

Eastern Shore sunrise photo by Chris Paulitz.