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Luke Marchant retired Black Death, Ryan Howell celebrated his birth, Winston Lord & Venga are straight crushing it, RIP Steve Jobs, looking for something to do this weekend?, Congratulations to Don and Shannon McGahn on your baby boy, Lauren Pratapas, you ride’s here, part 58, Fantasy Football Week 4, Did You Know?, Jennifer Crider loves Barracks Row, congratulations to Eric Wohlschlegel on the launch of TheCribLine, Shira Toeplitz rocked MSNBC on Friday, Is FamousDC going to schedule a wine trip to go comfort Tareq Salahi as he prepares to auction off his wedding ring?, tell Tom Williams happy birthday today, Tony Hawk grinding in DC for DC Scores, An iPhone and a gun? Watch out, DC, will Mark Leibovich snap a pic of his FamousDC sticker?, Biden’d, can Obama legally kill you?, congratulations to Reid Wilson, congratulate Caitlin Runyan on her promotion!, tell Freddy Barnes & Erica Elliott that today was the greatest Morning Joe  of all time, welcome to the Metro Champagne room, Pharrell was in DC for 48 hours, what’s playing in Jack Smith’s iPod?, John Murray is leaving Cantor’s shop, Kate Nocera breaking news on the reg, there are no Congressional birthdays today, which bag should you rock on the hill?, and there is no way on earth the Redskins can lose this weekend.