Posts Tagged

Stuff Hill People Like

According to our sources, Capitol Hill’s second favorite blog – will soon be making a comeback.  Apparently, the rumors that the contributors at “Stuff Hill People Like” were all caught, fired and shipped off to Guantanamo Bay, are just not true.  Nor was there writer’s block or a writer’s strike. …

One of Capitol Hill’s most popular websites has gone silent. If anybody knows what’s happened to one of our favorite blogs, email us at [email protected] -FDC

On the same day “Stuff Hill People Like” released their latest post [Hill People like loving/hating tourists], ASM notes that it’s apparently not just low-level  staffers that hate tourists- even the highest levels of power have recently also showed their disdain. Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) yesterday on the Senate Floor:  “Mr. President, …

Stuff Hill People Like is back at it – this time highlighting the Hill’s obsession with the blackberry machine. Unfortunately, this telling sign of a Hill Pro doesn’t hold the validity that it once did, as younger, less experienced Hill People are now funding their own Blackberry use (with Their …

It was only a matter of time …. [h/t Anne Schroeder Mullins] NOTE: If this is new to you, go here first, then it’ll make more sense.