Posts Tagged

Mayor Vincent Gray

Celebrate M.L.K. Day in DC [ideas] Vincent Gray leading in mayoral polls [what] Weather is fine now but wait till the weekend [snow?!?!] Jaime Fearer + Geoff Hatchard leave DC for SF [curmudgeonly] Alexandria may not have more [Confederate general street names] Bluejacket wants to open up to you [both …

Have you sent your #DCVirutualMarch tweet yet? Yesterday, Mayor Vincent Grey (@mayorvincegray) started a vitual march for full DC democracy just in time to coincide with the MLK memorial preview today. The official memorial dedication will take place this Sunday, August 28. After sending out a call for all residents to start …

Baseball seems to be all the craze in DC this week from tonight’sRoll Call Congressional Baseball Game to Mayor Vincent Gray. H/T SnarkInfested