Posts Tagged

Jesse Ventura

…And every comedian on planet earth would rejoice.  [one could hope] Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura says he would consider becoming Ron Paul’s running mate — but only if the congressman runs for president on the Libertarian ticket. Important to note: There’s no indication that Paul has spoken to Ventura, …

Always up for a new venture, Jesse Ventura has decided to become the latest King of Conspiracy Theories.  [truther] A television production company announced Tuesday that the former Minnesota governor will host "Conspiracy Theories With Jesse Ventura" on cable’s truTV, a Turner Broadcasting System channel. The launch of the program …

If’ you’ve been lucky enough to tender the House cafeterias lately, you’ve noticed all the great green new perks, including corn spoons.  Which are edible, in case the organic burrito made with fake cheese doesn’t fill you up. Now, in the latest turn of events – one likely blamed on …