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Props to The Lead for writing the best headlines so far about the Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup. HOW ABOOT THAT? BLACKHAWKS WIN THIRD STANLEY CUP IN SIX YEARS  

Whoever wrote this headline has likely never Googled the word “Santorum.”

Detroit Free Press accidentally prints an amazing headline. [nice work] h/t R. Howell

Name Calling 101: Fenty ally compares embattled D.C. Mayor to Jesus It’s probably a bad move to compare your preferred candidate in a mayoral race to Jesus – especially when city streets seem to have more potholes than the Old City has stones. Strong work, CNN.

Of all the headlines Roll Call could have chosen… Weiner Tries to Cash In on Kerfuffle Better than the headline, Rep. Weiner’s one-liner: “The Republicans squealed like pigs…” The entire hot mess found here.

We’re glad to know that CNN’s target audience reads on a 1st grade level.  [best headline ever]